2010 will be the year that Independent Insurance Agents level the Insurance Marketing playing field.
Look for many of our carriers to roll out "Consumer Portals" which allow visitors to "quote, buy & print" when visiting the Independent Agent's website.
A select group of Georgia's Auto Insurance Agents already have the ability to do so with at least two of the newest auto insurance companies to enter Georgia.
Want an Auto Insurance Quote in 5 seconds or less?
Want to "buy & print" in less than 5 minutes?
Check out the ease of use in the demo website at http://agentdemo.santafeinsurance.net/.
Use any Georgia Zip Code you wish. Use mine ... 30114 ... if you don't have quick access to Georgia Zip Codes.
Feel free to "buy" the policy since it is demo purposes only. I used 123456789 when it asked for Driver's License & Credit Card info.
I welcome your thoughts and will publish them in an upcoming FYI Express.
If you wish to remain anonymous in print, just say so.
I have yet to betray a confidence.
Eddie K. Emmett
FYI Express
Eddie, This is the critical "next step" agents need. Big props to all the carriers that understand and take action to support their agents.